Incident Report


Incidents resulting from inadequate HOT WORK controls

Initial Email Enquiry –

I have had a request from a customer who is updating his HOT WORK training manuals and would like knowledge of any incidents resulting in loss events either to personnel or plant which are recent (say after 2000) and could be used as case studies. This information would also be beneficial for the JOIFF membership. Appreciate any help you can give.

Safety Reports, Video Footage, News Bulletins, Web Links, etc - all forms of information would be helpful in collating the information.

One incident which springs to mind with me is the PETROBRAS P36 platform ion March 15th 2001 resulting in the deaths of 10 people and a loss of a $450 million oil platform.

Click here to view/download the ppt on incident resulting from inadequate Hot Works Controls.

End of email correspondence on Topic to date

Author’s identities are concealed for privacy and security reasons. Further information on the information contained in this topic can be directed to the JOIFF secretariat.