Email Enquiry


Routine Inspections, the Firefighters No.1 Priority

Initial Email Enquiry –

The importance of thorough equipment inspections cannot be over stated. Here is an example on our own facility where lip service has been played to inspection of equipment resulting in a Jet Ratio Controller being missed on a number of previous inspections with potentially dangerous consequences. It can be seen from the degree of debris inside the unit that had this been required in an emergency it would not have performed as designed - resulting in restricted foam 'pick up'


During station routines S.P.O M Sparrow found on inspection a JRC off a Patriot Two Trailer to have the following defects:
  • Pebbles, Grit rammed into chamber
  • Perished Rubber washer
  • Male coupling screw thread slack into main JRC Body

Click here to view/download the PPT presentation which concludes the findings and the remedial action required to rectify a possible problem across Teesside.


End of email correspondence on Topic to date

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