Email Enquiry

Emergency Foam Stocks for the UK

Initial Email Enquiry –

On a recent exercise we tried to contact the numbers we have for emergency foam supplies. The only company that we managed to contact was Angus. We have a Telex number for Chubb but this did not work and we could not get an answer from Solberg.

Can you ask the UK members what companies they deal with for emergency supplies of foam and could they please send me their contact details.

1st Response –

Good test of our preparedness – I just tested the system. Called our control room and asked them to quote our emergency response numbers for foam stock:

  • Angus Bentham – 01524 261166
  • 3M Manchester – 01234 268868

Clearly the 3M foam number needs removing as they don’t provide this any more.

I know Solberg do have stocks warehoused in the UK so not sure why their number failed you maybe Steve Smith can provide some advice.

End of email correspondence on Topic to date.

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