Email Enquiry


Subject:                         Auxillary Remuneration - What's your policy?

Date of Initial Email :   04/10/2007

Initial Email Detail:

Please could you ask the members to respond to the enquiry below?
The sites emergency response team is made up of auxiliary fire-fighters who are drawn from the ranks of the shift process operators. We are reviewing their annual supplementary payment for committing to attend a maximum of 80 hrs training per year.  What rates do other companies pay; do they pay annually, quarterly or monthly?

Second Email Detail: (dated 06/10/2007)

We have a retained/auxiliary ERT here at Pfizer UK, divided into 5 shifts. 

Each team member must attend and demonstrate competence against each section of the 'modular' annual training plan.  The annual training plan is divided into 7 x 1 day units.  We also run specialist courses for our team to qualify as BA wearers (7 day course after 1 years service) and as Confined Space Rescue Team support (1 day).  Supplementary training is also given to our 5 retained ERT Leaders, command and control, systems orientation, emergency plan awareness etc..

We do pay an annual retainer at the following rates:

  • ERT member (non BA Wearer) £635
  • ERT member (BA qualified) £835 
  • ERT Leader £1065

These rates are index linked

Third Email Detail: (dated 06/10/2007)

At BP Saltend we give an annual bonus in November to all our auxiliary fire team members for their commitment to attending training and responding to incidents.
The bonus is linked to the annual pay rise and currently stands at £1170.

Fourth Email Detail: (dated 06/10/2007)

Sembcorp don't have any but we train other clients teams. Average is about 500gbp plus they get overtime for coming in on their days off for the training.

Fifth Email Detail: (dated 08/10/2007)

Here at ConocoPhillips, Teesside, our shift process operators backed up by our site Rescue Team (on days only) are the auxiliary fire team and attend training during work time - they receive no annual bonuses as this activity is considered part of their job.

We do not train process operators in BA as they have process functions to carry out in the event of an emergency - our Rescue Team (made up of 10 Scaffolders) are BA trained but do not work shifts.

Our Rescue team receive two days training per calendar month - the receive no bonuses but do get the odd 'gift' for their involvement.

Sixth Email Detail: (dated 08/10/2007)

We pay monthly allowance to all FIT members 650 SR.