

Subject:                     Draft ASTM Guide Emergency Operations Centre

Date of Email report:   Tue 25/11/2008

Report Detail:

This standard/guide is intended to provide the emergency management community with practical concepts and approaches to develop an effective Emergency Operations Center (EOC). The task group developing this guide was co-lead by three very experienced emergency managers, with a membership drawing from emergency management agencies at all levels from across the country. In preparing this guide, the intent was to draw from this depth of experience in developing and operating an EOC to provide some very practical ideas and approaches for not only designing and developing an EOC but also providing guidance on how to obtain the necessary support and backing to ensure its success. Initially, the task group set out to develop a standard guide for the development, operation,and management of an EOC, but after a considerable effort to assemble such a standard guide, it became apparent that it would be so broad and large it would not be very useful. Thus, it was decided to produce three smaller more manageable standards. The first is this Standard Guide for Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Development. The others will follow.

Additional Documentation:

Standard Guide Emergency Opertaions Centre 2008