Incident Report



Subject:                   Worker Fatality While Operating a JLG Lift  

Date of Email report:   Tue 28/12/2010

Report Detail:

This incident occurred in Australia. I contacted the JLG Company to get details of this incident. The worker that was killed was not tied off to the aerial lift platform basket and was actually propelled out of the basket onto the ground below. The worker that survived was tied off to the aerial lift platform basket. As far as I am aware this worker stayed in the basket when the JLG tilted. The JLG wheel apparently collapsed a concrete drain pipe as the wheel rolled over it.

There was no real reason to keep the boom (with the workers in the basket) elevated while the JLG was repositioned to a different part of the plant. I asked JLG if it was a usual practice to roll the JLG over a grass/ground area without placing boards or mats over the area the wheels travelled. JLG’s reply was that their equipment should never be rolled over any surface where there wasn’t positive proof the surface would withstand the weight of the JLG.

Additional Documentation:

Boomlift Fatality