Incident Report



Subject:       CHINESE PIPELINE EXPLOSION KILLS AT LEAST 6 and INJURES 100's              

Date of Email report:   Fri 30/07/2010

Report Detail:

 Firefighters by a burned car in Nanjing, China (28 July 2010)

An explosion at a chemical factory in east China has killed at least six people and left hundreds injured, state media reported today. The blast damaged buildings and vehicles within a hundred-metre radius of the plant in Nanjing, injuring passengers on a passing bus. Nearby residents fled, many fearing an earthquake, as shockwaves hit their homes and windows shattered. At least six people were recorded dead at nearby hospitals, according to the state news agency Xinhua It said reporters had seen burnt bodies carried from the disaster scene. Local media reported that more than 300 people had been taken to hospital and at least 50 were seriously injured. One victim was reportedly crushed as he slept, when the ceiling of his home collapsed on him. He died in hospital. Xinhua said an early investigation showed the blast was triggered by a gas leak from a pipeline at the disused factory in Qixia district, in the north of Nanjing. Photographs showed flames several storeys high shooting from the rubble and a huge cloud of black smoke, but Xinhua reported that firefighters had brought the blaze under control. Rescuers are combing through the wreckage. "The ceiling boards fell in and the windows shattered," said an employee at the nearby Nanjing Qixia Maigaoqiao hospital. "A lot of us thought it was an earthquake - we heard a big noise, but we thought it was thunder. "A couple of minutes later, ambulances started coming in and that was when we realised it was an explosion. There was a huge flow of people. Some of their heads were covered in blood and their skin was peeling off their bodies. Some had lost all their hair." She added that casualties were still coming in, although more slowly. Staff from other hospitals had come to help treat the wounded, she said. Xinhua reported that long-term patients were evacuated to make way for the wounded and that some hospitals had almost run out of blood. Residents donated blood at a mobile collection vehicle near the site.


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