Incident Report

Subject:    USA - Insulation Catches on Fire at West Bountiful Refinery       

Date of Email report:  Tue 06/08/2013

Report Detail:

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Not just the contents of a tank that can catch fire – insulation in this case.  Probably contaminated in some way…

WEST BOUNTIFUL — South Davis Metro firefighters responded to a fire at the Holly Refinery.  Flames could be seen from the freeway coming from the top of a tank.  The refinery’s fire brigade extinguished the fire, which was burning insulation on top of an asphalt tank, Deputy Chief Jeff Bassett of South Davis Metro said. It is unknown how the insulation caught on fire. 

Bassett said that whenever a call is put out to a refinery, they respond with a full assignment including ladder and hazardous materials companies in case of larger threats.

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